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Create VM With Template

Create Virtual Machine with Template

Create a virtual machine by using a content library template, which is set up through the content library template.

template_name: Specify the name of the content library template to be used. cluster_name: Specify the name of the cluster where the virtual machine is deployed. vm_name: Specify the name of the virtual machine. The return value is the created virtual machine.

from cloudtower.api import VmApi, ContentLibraryVmTemplateApi, ClusterApi
from cloudtower.utils import login, wait_tasks
from cloudtower.configuration import Configuration
from cloudtower import ApiClient
import os

configuration = Configuration(host=os.getenv("CLOUDTOWER_ENDPOINT"))
client = ApiClient(configuration)

login(client, os.getenv("CLOUDTOWER_USERNAME"), os.getenv("CLOUDTOWER_PASSWORD"))

def create_vm_from_template(template_name, cluster_name, vm_name):
vm_api = VmApi(client)
cluster_api = ClusterApi(client)
template_api = ContentLibraryVmTemplateApi(client)

cluster = cluster_api.get_clusters({
"where": {
"name": cluster_name
if len(cluster) == 0:
raise Exception("cluster not found")

template = template_api.get_content_library_vm_templates({
"where": {
"name": template_name
if len(template) == 0:
raise Exception("template not found")

with_task_vms = vm_api.create_vm_from_content_library_template([
"template_id": template[0].id,
"cluster_id": cluster[0].id,
"name": vm_name,
"is_full_copy": False
tasks = [with_task_vm.task_id for with_task_vm in with_task_vms]
vm_ids = [ for with_task_vm in with_task_vms]
wait_tasks(tasks, client)
return vm_api.get_vms({
"where": {
"id_in": vm_ids

Create Virtual Machine with Template and Edit Virtual Machine Disk

Create a virtual machine with a template and configure the virtual machine's disk.

  • template_name: The name of the template.
  • cluster_name: The name of the cluster.
  • vm_name: The name of the virtual machine.
  • disk_operate: The disk operation.

See the create_vm_from_template_modify_disk_example method for details.

The return value is the created virtual machine.

When creating a virtual machine from a template, if you want to modify the existing disk, you can configure it through the disk_operate parameter. The disk_operate parameter is of type VmDiskOperate, which is a dictionary that contains the following fields:

  • remove_disks: Remove the specified index of the disk.
  • modify_disks: Modify the configuration of an existing disk. Currently, only modifying the bus is supported. If there are other modifications, delete the original disk.
  • new_disks: Add a new disk. The type is VmDiskParams, which is a dictionary that contains the following fields:
    • mount_cd_roms: Mount a CD-ROM.
    • mount_disks: Mount an existing disk.
    • mount_new_create_disks: Mount a new disk.
from cloudtower.api import VmApi, ContentLibraryVmTemplateApi, ClusterApi
from cloudtower.utils import login, wait_tasks
from cloudtower.configuration import Configuration
from cloudtower.models import Bus, VmVolumeElfStoragePolicyType
from cloudtower import ApiClient
import os

configuration = Configuration(host=os.getenv("CLOUDTOWER_ENDPOINT"))
client = ApiClient(configuration)

login(client, os.getenv("CLOUDTOWER_USERNAME"), os.getenv("CLOUDTOWER_PASSWORD"))

def create_vm_from_template_modify_disk(template_name, cluster_name, vm_name, disk_operate):

vm_api = VmApi(client)
cluster_api = ClusterApi(client)
template_api = ContentLibraryVmTemplateApi(client)

cluster = cluster_api.get_clusters({
"where": {
"name": cluster_name
if len(cluster) == 0:
raise Exception("cluster not found")

template = template_api.get_content_library_vm_templates({
"where": {
"name": template_name
if len(template) == 0:
raise Exception("template not found")

with_task_vms = vm_api.create_vm_from_content_library_template([
"template_id": template[0].id,
"cluster_id": cluster[0].id,
"name": vm_name,
"is_full_copy": False,
"disk_operate": disk_operate
tasks = [with_task_vm.task_id for with_task_vm in with_task_vms]
vm_ids = [ for with_task_vm in with_task_vms]
wait_tasks(tasks, client)
return vm_api.get_vms({
"where": {
"id_in": vm_ids

def create_vm_from_template_modify_disk_example():
disk_operate = {
"remove_disks": {
"disk_index": [0] # To delete a disk with a specific index, where the index starts at 0
"new_disks": {
"mount_cd_roms": [
"boot": 2, # boot order
"content_library_image_id": "" # Specify the ID of the content library image to be mounted.
"mount_disks": [
"boot": 3, # boot order
"bus": Bus.VIRTIO, # bus type
"vm_volume_id": "cljm6x2g1405g0958tp3zkhvh" # Specify the ID of the VM volume to be mounted.
"mount_new_create_disks": [
"boot": 4,
"bus": Bus.VIRTIO,
"vm_volume": {
"name": "test", # name of new VM volume
"size": 10 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, # size of the new VM volume, the unit is byte
"elf_storage_policy": VmVolumeElfStoragePolicyType._2_THIN_PROVISION # storage policy
create_vm_from_template_modify_disk("template-name", "cluster-name", "vm-name", disk_operate)

Create and Edit Virtual NIC with Template

Create a virtual machine by using a content library template, and configure the virtual machine's NIC.

  • template_name: The name of the content library template to be used.
  • cluster_name: The name of the cluster where the virtual machine is deployed.
  • vm_name: The name of the virtual machine.
  • nic_params: The NIC operation.

See the create_vm_from_template_modified_nic_example method for details.

The return value is the created virtual machine.

When creating a virtual machine from a template, if you do not pass the vm_nics parameter, the template's NIC configuration will be used by default. If you need to modify the NIC configuration, you can pass the vm_nics parameter. The vm_nics parameter is a list, and each element in the list is a dictionary:

  • connect_vlan_id: The ID of the virtual machine network that the NIC corresponds to, not the VLAN ID of the virtual machine network.
  • enabled: Whether to enable the NIC.
  • model: The type of the NIC, which can use the properties of the VmNicModel class, such as VmNicModel.VIRTIO.

When creating a virtual machine, modifying the NIC's IP address, MAC address, gateway, and subnet mask is not supported. If you need to configure IP address, subnet, and gateway, you can use cloudinit to achieve it, which requires template support for cloudinit.

from cloudtower.api import VmApi, ContentLibraryVmTemplateApi, ClusterApi
from cloudtower.utils import login, wait_tasks
from cloudtower.configuration import Configuration
from cloudtower.models import Bus, VmNicModel
from cloudtower import ApiClient
import os

configuration = Configuration(host=os.getenv("CLOUDTOWER_ENDPOINT"))
client = ApiClient(configuration)

login(client, os.getenv("CLOUDTOWER_USERNAME"), os.getenv("CLOUDTOWER_PASSWORD"))

def create_vm_from_template_modified_nic(template_name, cluster_name, vm_name, nic_params):
vm_api = VmApi(client)
cluster_api = ClusterApi(client)
template_api = ContentLibraryVmTemplateApi(client)

cluster = cluster_api.get_clusters({
"where": {
"name": cluster_name
if len(cluster) == 0:
raise Exception("cluster not found")

template = template_api.get_content_library_vm_templates({
"where": {
"name": template_name
if len(template) == 0:
raise Exception("template not found")

with_task_vms = vm_api.create_vm_from_content_library_template([
"template_id": template[0].id,
"cluster_id": cluster[0].id,
"name": vm_name,
"is_full_copy": False,
"vm_nics": nic_params
tasks = [with_task_vm.task_id for with_task_vm in with_task_vms]
vm_ids = [ for with_task_vm in with_task_vms]
wait_tasks(tasks, client)
return vm_api.get_vms({
"where": {
"id_in": vm_ids

def create_vm_from_template_modified_nic_example():
nic_params = [
"connect_vlan_id": "vlan_id",
"enabled": True,
"model": VmNicModel.VIRTIO
create_vm_from_template_modified_nic("template_name", "cluster_name", "vm_name", nic_params)

Create and Edit Cloud-init with Template

Create a virtual machine by using a content library template, and configure the virtual machine's cloud-init. The template needs to be enabled.

  • template_name: The name of the content library template to be used.
  • cluster_name: The name of the cluster where the virtual machine is deployed.
  • vm_name: The name of the virtual machine.
  • cloud_init: The cloud-init configuration.

See the create_vm_from_template_with_cloudinit_example method for details.

The return value is the created virtual machine.

Cloud-init can be used to configure the initialization of the virtual machine, such as configuring the network, configuring the default account password, etc. The template needs to have the cloud-init or cloudbase-init service installed to work properly.

The cloud_init configuration item is of type TemplateCloudInit, which is a dictionary that contains the following fields:

  • default_user_password: Configure the default user password.
  • nameservers: DNS service address, which is a list of strings, and supports up to 3 configurations.
  • networks: Network configuration, a list of dictionaries.
    • ip_address: IP address, required when configuring a static address.
    • net_mask: Subnet, required when configuring a static address.
    • nic_index: The order in which to configure the NIC, starting with 0.
    • routes: Static route configuration, a list of dictionaries.
      • gateway: Gateway address.
      • network: Destination network.
      • netmask: Destination subnet.
  • hostname: Hostname.
  • public_keys: Public keys for login.
  • user_data: User data configuration.
from cloudtower.api import VmApi, ContentLibraryVmTemplateApi, ClusterApi
from cloudtower.utils import login, wait_tasks
from cloudtower.configuration import Configuration
from cloudtower import ApiClient
import os

configuration = Configuration(host=os.getenv("CLOUDTOWER_ENDPOINT"))
client = ApiClient(configuration)

login(client, os.getenv("CLOUDTOWER_USERNAME"), os.getenv("CLOUDTOWER_PASSWORD"))

def create_vm_from_template_with_cloudinit(template_name, cluster_name, vm_name, cloud_init):
vm_api = VmApi(client)
cluster_api = ClusterApi(client)
template_api = ContentLibraryVmTemplateApi(client)

cluster = cluster_api.get_clusters({
"where": {
"name": cluster_name
if len(cluster) == 0:
raise Exception("cluster not found")

template = template_api.get_content_library_vm_templates({
"where": {
"name": template_name
if len(template) == 0:
raise Exception("template not found")

with_task_vms = vm_api.create_vm_from_content_library_template([
"template_id": template[0].id,
"cluster_id": cluster[0].id,
"name": vm_name,
"is_full_copy": False,
"cloud_init": cloud_init
tasks = [with_task_vm.task_id for with_task_vm in with_task_vms]
vm_ids = [ for with_task_vm in with_task_vms]
wait_tasks(tasks, client)
return vm_api.get_vms({
"where": {
"id_in": vm_ids

def create_vm_from_template_with_cloudinit_example():
cloud_init = {
"default_user_password": "password",
"nameservers": [
"networks": [
"ip_address": "",
"net_mask": "",
"nic_index": 0,
"routes": [
"gateway": "", # default gateway config
"network": "",
"netmask": "",
"hostname": "test",
"public_keys": [
"user_data": "user_data"
create_vm_from_template_with_cloudinit("template_name", "cluster_name", "vm_name", cloud_init)